16 Dec

Get-Hotfix is one of the Windows PowerShell cmdlets that can act on a remote computer by using the -ComputerName parameter. You can use the Get-Hotfix cmdlet to quickly display a list of installed hotfixes on a remote computer. For example, if the name of the remote computer is SEA-SRV-01 then you could type the following command from the Windows PowerShell command shell:

Get-Hotfix -computername SEA-SRV-01 | Select HotfixID, Description, InstalledOn | Sort-Object InstalledOn

The results might look like this:

HotfixID           Description            InstalledOn

KB975467      Hotfix                       11/7/2010 3:00:00 AM

KB978251      Security Update     11/7/2010 3:00:00 AM


You can also abbreviate the above command like this:

Get-Hotfix –cn SEA-SRV-01 | Select HotfixID, Description, InstalledOn | sort InstalledOn

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